introspective periscope : peeking inside since Y2K


wild go

out of the woods - 8 july 2014

"willows grow where they could not grow/ rivers flow where they could not flow / the wild go where they could not go."~dark dark dark

i went to bed with a lot on my mind but if you asked me to tell you what it was, i probably couldn't. (wouldn't?) i just had this feeling of misgiving that i'm going to give attention but not worry incessantly about. whatever that means.

k woke me up with an early message...which was just as well. i'd been up earlier to check out the fog anyway. i have to turn this phone off at night again...the bleep bloop of weather is waking me up at dumb hours and i can't get back to sleep. i read for a little bit before i pulled on my chacos and some clothes, got sammy out the door, and headed for the woods.

i turned off the sounds in the woods for the phone except for the map app that tells me how far in i am, how fast i'm going, how long i've been at it. the voice is encouraging and she mostly keeps quiet until i hit a mile marker. i kept to the main trails to try to avoid some of the bugs and found a pretty nice new loop today. my midwife shared a little trick about the deer flies that have been plaguing my walks which i tried when they got pretty annoying. it i'm thankful. wise woman. we still have our witches, we just call them by different names these days.

i came out of the woods sweatier than ever...the humidity could strangle you. in the heart of the woods it is like a hothouse. the hurricane dregs filled all the little pools that have gathered in the deep divots between the trees in some spots. sam stopped to check out every one but his favorite place to jump in is the brook that feeds the bog. he'll go in as deep as the bottom of his ears and wade around and sniff along the banks.

there were horses in the woods today. i leashed sam when i saw them coming and he watched them very carefully...i wonder if he's ever been that close to a horse before? not so long as he's been with me, he hasn't. the horses were suspect of this dog who was watching them an they inched on by. the women riding them urged the horses on gently but stopped to adore sammy just like everyone else pretty much does. that dog gets more conversation than i do these days.

i'm taking a few steps back on things; something tells me to take careful steps. maybe it's nothing at all but i'm feeling slightly guarded and i'm going to let that run it's course. i went into the woods with misgivings and a feeling of uncertainty. i came out sweating from every pore of my body and smelling like trees and sunshine but feeling much better.

even on my shorter walks (today's was 2.20 miles with 24:40 minute goal is 20 minutes/mile) i am learning to leave things behind. the woods can handle it. my worries will sift through pine needles down into the layers that make up the forest floor. i always leave feeling better.

i am thankful every day that i've landed here...of all the wild places.


.what came before. - .what happened next.

a diamond at the bottom of the drain - 20 october 2017
baseball season to football season, abbreviated - 25 september 2017
the doodles - 11 july 2017
at arm's length - 4 july 2017
like a sea-mammal needs a bicycle - 30 may 2017

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